Understanding Root Canal Procedure

When you have an infected tooth, you may have to get a root canal treatment. This treatment is required to prevent further damage to the tooth and to your overall health. For the best dental clinic, call Go 2 Dental today at (941) 202-5069 for your Free Consultation with a Sarasota Dentist!

Your tooth’s roots extend deep into your jawbone. They help anchor your teeth in place and support your mouth’s muscles and bones. Infection in these roots can cause pain, swelling and even bone loss.

It is important to get a root canal as soon as possible. Without it, your tooth can break and become brittle. The infected tissue can also spread to other areas of your body, including your heart and kidneys.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing the pulp, bacteria and damaged nerve tissue from inside your tooth. Once the infection is removed, your dentist will fill your tooth and seal it with a dental crown or another restorative material to restore its function and beauty.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

A typical root canal treatment takes about 90 minutes, but it can take more or less time depending on the severity of your tooth’s infection. During the procedure, your Sarasota root canal specialist will use local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area. A rubber dam will be placed over the area to stop any bacteria from entering the area and causing more infection.

The area is accessed by drilling an opening into the top of the tooth and using special tools to remove the pulp, bacteria, and decayed nerve tissue. After removing the infected tissue, water or sodium hypochlorite is sprayed to clean out the infected area and disinfect the tooth.

After a root canal, you should be able to resume normal activities and food intake as usual, but it is recommended that you avoid chewing hard food for a few days. This is especially true if you are taking any anti-inflammatory medications.

Your gums and teeth may feel swollen or tender after the procedure, but this should subside within a day or two. If it does not, you can treat the swollen tissue with over-the-counter pain medications.

Symptoms that indicate you may have an abscess, a condition where the infection has spread to other areas of your body, can include severe tooth and gum pain, facial swelling or fever. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your dentist immediately for advice.

Does Your Insurance Cover a Root Canal?

Many dental insurance providers will cover part or all of the cost of a root canal to save your natural tooth. In most cases, this is not a problem as many dental insurance companies see a root canal as a major dental service.

What Is the Success Rate of a Root Canal?

Although there is no exact statistic on how successful a root canal is, the majority of patients are able to have a healthy, functional tooth after their root canal. It is essential that patients maintain good oral hygiene, avoid consuming sugary foods and have regular dental check ups after the treatment to ensure that the root canal was successful.

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